
7MsBusy is a technology company based on common standard computer code used for all computing. This company created the code that can be attributed to many computer programing components used for all of computing such as XML. 7 Ms Busy labels itself as a boutique technology company. With the amount of software marketed to companies and organizations created by Microsoft, all companies of any size should logically use the same software. 7 Ms Busy is a boutique business oriented company that focuses on becoming expert and expanding its core competencies among prevalent software such as Microsoft Sharepoint, Access, Excel, Exchange, and Outlook.

As a boutique level company 7 Ms Busy has already invested-in and took the time to attain an enormous amount of often times rare software to get everything to work together. Using, administrating, and mastering mainstream Microsoft Software is part of our philosophy for the service we provide: streamline mathematical business aimed at working towards actual profitability. This company specializes in designing and implementing internal intranet portals and implementing Microsoft Exchange Servers for businesses and organizations, with the ability to take on more complex Microsoft Access, Excel, and Outlook Applications to integrate with your system. 7 Ms Busy’s founder Felix Cheung has a firm foundation in math and has published several scientific books available on Amazon.

7MsBusy is inherently just the portfolio website for computer programmer and technologist Felix Cheung. You are hiring him to carefully implement legacy still-modern Microsoft software that is irreplaceable for businesses and technology in general. Your chances of finding any employee or contractor which has finished putting together such an enormous amount of very specific software(and books) is very slim. Has your organization implemented a usable Microsoft Exchange Email system yet? 7MsBusy is a technology management company that takes care of very necessary work that is needed for every organization or company.