Custom Intranet Design

Learn more about our specific business services. Our core competency is GenOne our technology management service for businesses and corporations. We specialize in implementing Microsoft Sharepoint design and hosting services for businesses and corporations of all sizes.

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Technical Specifications

7MsBusy is a real technology company and one of the only technology companies that compiled standard computer code that all computing is based from. Technology security and accuracy starts from the ground up, we only use technology products and software that can be attributed to our code.

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7MsBusy is a company based on standard computer code used for all computing including Apple and Microsoft. Although just a portfolio page for computer programmer Felix Cheung, this company powers prevalent technology such as XML and many other computer technology that can not be legally attributed to him.

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Grand Opening

This is 7msbusy’s Grand Opening. This company is the culmination of just about all computer technology standards and progress since the beginning of consumer oriented computers (1980s). We have brought together the standard computer code that thousands of technology companies have developed but failed to perfect. Our company’s technology has brought together and exacted standardized

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